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Clases de inglés para niños en Granada

Spanish through music

Listening skills are essential when it comes to learn a foreign language. There are some tools like films and songs that can help you develop these abilities.  Remember, though, that you need a solid base in Spanish to tackle some of the songs that can be full of expressions that you don know yet.

You may start improving your pronunciation and listening skills by following these steps:

Choose a favourite song and play it! Play it several times and see how many words you recognise.

Sing it.  Yes, you can sing it even if you don’t have the lyrics before you. Mimic the accent, the word stress, the ending of the words… get into the rhythm. Don´t think about the meaning.

Google the lyrics. There are sing-along versions in Youtube or Spotify. That’s the moment of truth: we can find out the meaning of the song. Is it what you expected?

Memorise it. Play it several times, sing along, use the tune version… It’s a good way to  use for the first time new words and set phrases.

It’s yours now!! Ready to sing it?  Do you still need the karaoke version?

That was great!

Nevertheless, remember that this is only some help. In NEW ATLAS SCHOOL we provide the classes you need. Lessons which combine the four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking taught by our expert team in a comfortable environment where you can practise what you have learnt in a most natural way.